is rendered speechless, again

Matt throws the news blog open to theme suggestions. Amid the flurry of fanboy demands for k2, this guy asks for Kubrick.

Nope, no words.


  1. shorty114 said

    He also asks for “Unsleepable, by Michael Heilemann”, whereas it’s actually by some other guy, just based on K2 by Heilemann.

    I think it’s safe to ignore this guy.

  2. Stephen said

    *chokes on sandwich*

  3. adam said

    i don’t know that saying unsleepable is ‘by’ the kubrick guy is really wrong, per se. as much as ben did hack k2 to bits for it, there are still massive chunks of k2 in there, and he credits michael appropriately.
    although i can’t really see the point in asking for that particular theme, any more than kubrick.
    although michael does claim that there are updates to kubrick that he wishes would be added to the default theme.

  4. […] (Actually, the only person requesting Pressrow on that thread was the guy I mocked the other day for requesting Kubrick, so I am starting to think he is an agent provocateur invented for the purposes of giving me stuff to write about.) […]

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