tsk tsk tsk not good for a first timer

And another thing: who is this apparently blogless ‘Steve’ guy spamming Matt’s comments whining that he can’t download or install MT, offering to provide a new admin interface for 2.3 and telling Matt to split the development team into departments including ‘art and interface’?

Isn’t it the cutest thing ever? And don’t you feel bad that he’s going to be so cruelly disillusioned in the very near future?

Never mind. Maybe he’ll get to be a moderator or something.


  1. Root said

    I liked that. Can’t imagine Autocrattic going nuts for either art or interface. 🙂

  2. Alan said

    Poor WP fanboys. They start out so full of hope, and optimism… before Automattic’s wildly differing ideals and direction come crashing down around them

  3. […] new friend Steve (I assume it is the same one based on his flexible approach to grammar) shows up late to the party, […]

  4. drmiketemp said

    Maybe Steve should apply for that open position that Automattic has.

    Oh, and he left you a comment on that post over on Matt’s if you haven’t seen it. Why he put it over there instead of here….

  5. Well, Matt was letting him blog in his comments thread so why not? He probably didn’t know that other people’s comments don’t send trackbacks. Apparently Matt did tire of this and failed to approve his next blogpost comment, which is when he got disillusioned. It used to take longer than that.

  6. drmiketemp said

    Actually looks like a lot of comments got removed over on techcrunch. I don’t see the one where I point out to Matt that I got banned although his reply is still there.

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